We all know how important sun care is to protect ourselves from skin cancer, but are you remembering to wear your sunscreen everyday, rain or shine? Sun spots, wrinkles fine lines, sagging skin… all of it is caused by the sun. Even when its overcast and you don’t see much sun, UV rays are still wrecking havoc on your skin and you don’t even feel it. Same thing happens while you are driving. If you leave your house, you are not safe from the harmful and aging effects of the sun, unless you have sunscreen on.

Studies have shown that 90% of our aging comes from sun damage. So beside saving your skin from cancerous cells, you can also save a lot of money on skin care and treatments in the future, with simple prevention.

What we recommend at The Box Med Spa is Elta MD. Unlike other sunscreens, this one goes on smooth and blends in easily. It comes in a tinted form and plan and is super light weight and doesn’t cause breakouts. It not just our favorite and extremely affordable for everyone, it has been voted the #1 and best sunscreen on the market today and loved my many celebrities, who we know look amazing!

Another thing people don’t realize when it comes to sun care, is the importance of protecting the often neglected and forgotten areas like the hands and neck. Aside from the scary risk of skin cancer, the hands and neck tend to show our age faster than other areas of the body because we very often forget about protecting them when we apply spf sunscreen on our face.

Crepey neck skin and dark brown sun spots on our hands, or anywhere on our body, aren’t fun for anyone. This is so easy to prevent and should only add a quick few minutes to your daily skin care routine. We cannot stop the natural aging process but do not fall victim to the damaging effects of the sun if you can prevent a lot of it. Believe us… your skin will thank you for it! Visit us today at The Box Med Spa to purchase your own ELTA MD sunscreen today!

20449 FL-7 a7,
Boca Raton, FL 33498
(561) 717-8903

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