Have you been considering a breast augmentation? Are you not sure of what different types there are? If you are not really wanting to increase or decrease your breast size but more looking to enhance what you have in a natural way, perhaps a vampire breast lift is the way to go. It is a non surgical procedure which makes your natural breasts seems fuller and firmer.

The first vampire boobs procedure started with the vampire facial. This was basically the same concept of a great way to improve your skin tone and can even help with wrinkles and texture. The same concept is applied to the new innovation of the vampire breast lift. The ability to be able to retouch your breasts by making them more firm and rounded is the precipice of the procedure.

What Is A Vampire Breast Lift?

The question then becomes, what is a vampire breast lift? This nonsurgical augmentation is a plasma injection procedure that enhances your natural cleavage to make perkier, fuller breasts. This doesn’t increase your breast size, nor is this meant to take place of getting a full on breast implant. Instead the procedure is to improve your overall appearance of saggy breasts or small breast size to make it more visually pleasing while adding sensitivity. It can reduce the look of stretch marks around the bust area, and fix inverted nipples.

The added benefit of a vampire breast lift is that this procedure can be used on any valid candidate, even if they have already had implants. In fact, if you have had implants, there are instances where your skin sags, sinks or rippling results. This adds a more visual appealing affect to your breast implant. This procedure is available to women of any age.

The Pre-Procedure For The Vampire Breast Lift

Pre-procedure, it is important to have a consultation appointment to know what happens next. We will look at your breasts and give you a full, friendly consult. This is to say- you will be told if this procedure could be right for you based on what results you are looking for. You will be asked about your medical history and be able to talk about any concerns you have. Make sure you answer as honestly as possible. There is no shame in sharing what is going on with your body.

This is the time when it will be determined if you are eligible for vampire boobs. Then the procedure will be explained and the date scheduled. Be sure to avoid the medications they will list for you, generally aspirin and ibuprofen, and wear comfortable clothing on the day of the procedure.

What Makes You Ineligible For A Vampire Breast Lift?

There are a few instances when you would not be a good candidate for vampire boobs. Some of these instances include:

• Having a predisposition to breast cancer
• Having a history of breast cancer
• Pregnant or could be pregnant
• Breastfeeding

These are really the only viable reasons that are found to not be eligible for this procedure.

The Standard Procedure For Vampire Breast Lift

Your procedure will likely take about 20 minutes total for the injections, though you should be there for about an hour or so. You usually don’t have to take off all of your undergarments, but your bra should be removed. There will be numbing cream applied and when that sets in your provider will get your injections together.

After your breasts are completely numb (which take about 30 minutes or so), your provider will inject the solution directly to your breasts in specific areas. The areas are chosen based on the kind of look you are trying to accomplish.

How Are The Injections Put Together?

The PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, is created by taking a blood sample. This is usually taken from your arm. This is then placed into a machine that helps separate it from other components in your blood. These other components are things like red blood cells. The reason is that they are looking for straight plasma that is usable for the procedure purposes. They will sometimes combine the solution with hyaluronic acid to help firm the area depending on the results you want. Basically, they draw your blood, spin the blood, and then reinsert your blood back into your breast in specific spots.

The Recovery Time

The great thing about vampire boobs is that this is a totally non-invasive procedure. There is no recovery time involved! The most will be some bruising and swelling that can occur but that resolves itself in a few days usually. This means that you can return to your normal day after the procedure.

What are the results?

The results for the vampire boobs procedure will occur usually in about two months. There is an immediate change to shape and cleavage that is more often than not quite impressive. The results also last for a year or two. In some women, the results are permanent.

In The End

In the end there is no real downside to this procedure. The elimination of recovery time and the ability to be able to shape your breasts without going under the knife make this procedure highly sought after. Though there has not been a lot of time since this new innovation has been created to know of any long term side effects, most agree that there are not likely to be many. The procedure is using your own blood as a source; therefore the risk of your body rejecting it is slim to none. The results start immediately and you will see them fully in only two months and last for at least a year, and in some women, a lifetime. If you’re ready for amazing, non-invasive vampire boobs, schedule a consultation with us today.


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(561) 717-8903

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