When it comes to matters of beauty and hygiene, it is the little things that matter. One not so small organ in the body, the skin, happens to be at the center of everyone’s beauty routines and regimens. Since the skin is the most exposed organ and the first thing people see, it naturally gets most of our attention. We often strive to ensure we have smooth, supple, spotless, and hair-free skin. Hair removal is a part of every woman’s routine from the moment one becomes self-aware as a teenager. While body hair removal is part of basic hygiene practices, facial hair is an annoying problem that women with facial hair deal with. Hair removal methods like waxing, tweezing, and shaving can be harsh to the delicate skin of the face.


  • On the contrary, full face laser hair removal is a safe and long-lasting method. Laser hair removal is a modern cosmetic treatment that removes unwanted hair from the body. It is performed by trained personnel in the industry for safety and successful results. In this article, we share the top reasons why you should consider full face laser hair removal treatment.

The skin on the face is very delicate

While tweezing, shaving and waxing can be a sustainable hair removal method for other parts of the body; the results can be devastating on facial hair. The skin on the face is not only delicate; it is also exposed and needs to be handled with care.

The procedure is painless

Full face laser hair removal treatment will remove all the unwanted hair on your face. It is painless and can be done on both men and women. Much as women are the more significant demographic that would want the procedure, men who wish to a specific permanent look can get it done as well. The laser used for the treatment has a cooling blast technology, which makes the treatment painless. You might experience a little pricking sensation as the laser is moved over your skin. That is normal. Before the treatment begins, your doctor will do a patch test to get the settings right to your preference. However, you can request to have a numbing cream applied over your face before the procedure if you have a low tolerance to pain.

Long-lasting results

With shaving, tweezing, and waxing, you enjoy the results for a short while before the hair starts to grow. This is because only the hair above the skin is removed. Waxing removes hair from the root; hence the results last longer. Full face laser hair removal gets deep into the hair follicle, ensuring hair will not grow again. This will give you longer-lasting results. However, the procedure is not permanent, but it can take a year or more before the hair grows back.

Laser hair removal leaves no ingrown hairs

Full face laser hair removal will not leave unpleasant bumps and ingrown hairs as you would experience with other hair removal techniques like shaving and waxing. You will also have no razor burns that come with shaving. The skin on the face easily flares up when harsh methods are used. Full face laser hair removal is gentle and removes the hair from the follicle under the skin, ensuring no ingrown hairs are left. After the procedure, there are no side effects as the procedure directly targets the hair follicle and does not damage the surrounding skin.

It is a quick procedure

The procedure takes a very short time, approximately ten to fifteen minutes, and you are done. Full face laser hair removal is the ideal procedure for people who do not have a lot of time to book appointments that take up to half an hour or longer. There isn’t much downtime needed after the procedure. You can resume your daily activities right after the treatment.

Suitable for people of all skin types

Laser hair removal is a more effective cosmetic treatment for people of all skin tomes than Intense Pulse Light hair removal. The treatment is exact; hence you should get results immediately and with no dark spots.

The treatment is cost-effective

Imagine how much you spend on wax treatments, hair removal creams, and razors. Not only are these methods costly over time, but they take a lot of time too. Full face laser hair removal may have a hefty upfront charge, but the treatment can last you years, and you will never have to worry about facial hair. Cumulatively, other methods of hair removal can be more expensive as compared to laser hair removal.

Makeup goes on evenly

It can be a nuisance trying to even out your foundation only for little hairs to pop out. After the treatment, your face will be smooth and even. This means your make up will be flawless because fair skin means a better finish.

Confidence boost

After the treatment, you will feel more confident in yourself. For many people, a straightforward thing such as facial hair can ultimately damage their self-esteem. It can be very unpleasant, especially for a woman, as facial hair is considered masculine. The results from laser hair removal will last a long time, and you can get another appointment once the hair starts to grow.

Minimal side effects

At this point, you must be wondering whether the procedure has any side effects. Laser hair treatment has minimal side effects, and sometimes no side effects at all. Some people experience a tan on the part of the skin where the laser was used. This should disappear a few days after the treatment, and you can enjoy the results for a long time after that.

This treatment is an excellent solution for women with facial hair. Women who suffer from hormonal infections such as Polycystic ovary Syndrome do not have to worry about facial hair appearance. Ensure you get the procedure done by a qualified professional and that the right safety measures are taken during the process to ensure your safety and the procedure’s success.

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