If you’re a middle-aged woman, you might be noticing a decrease in your sex drive. It could be due to menopause, age, or large amounts of stress in your life. These factors contribute to five main conditions that about 1 in 20 women face. There are some treatments for these disorders, but one med spa treatment is stirring up a lot of talk around the subject.

This treatment is the O-Shot Boca Raton. To treat common female sexual disorders, the med spa doctor gives the patient an injection of their own blood platelets. After extracting the tube of blood, the doctor places it into a machine to separate the components.

Common Female Sexual Disorders

Female Sexual Arousal Disorder

This condition is where a woman may want to have sex but is unable to feel the pleasure in becoming aroused. Arousal difficulty makes engaging in sexual activities with their partner more difficult and frustrating. It can sometimes coincide with Sexual Desire Disorder.

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder is a condition that affects about 1 in 10 women. It basically is when a woman lacks the desire for sex. However, it is only a disorder if it is disrupting a woman’s life. Not only does the woman not find sex to be enjoyable, but it also causes other problems in her life. A healthy sex life can promote increased confidence, creativity, energy, and overall health. It also helps to decrease depression. A woman suffering from this condition can also suffer from the opposite of these other health effects.

Female Orgasmic Disorder

This disorder refers to when a woman can be sexually aroused but has difficulty having orgasms. This disorder can be very frustrating and make the woman avoid having sex altogether.


Dyspareunia is where the woman experiences pain from sex. The woman feels pain not from lack of lubrication or from vaginal spasms, but real unexplained pain. It affects anywhere from 10 to 20% of women.

Genital Mismatch

Genital Mismatch is the last common sexual disorder affecting women. It can contribute to both Female Orgasmic Disorder and Dyspareunia.

The Real Amount of Women Effected

Many experts think more women suffer from sexual dysfunction than the numbers actually show. Because most women tolerate these problems, they silently suffer from them.

These women will likely not talk to their doctors about their sexual dysfunction problems. Women who silently suffer may feel embarrassed about the nature of the subject. The professionals who feel that this problem is underrated think that the actual amount of women suffering from these sexual disorders is around 50 to 60%. It seems that more younger women also experience these issues as well. Since it’s a problem affecting more than just middle-aged women, it’s more serious than it seems to be.

The treatment is similar to a male patient taking a pill to enhance their sex drive. The O-Shot Boca Raton is a treatment available at med spa locations for women to do the same thing. However, this treatment is different than just taking a pill. The components of a female’s blood are separated. Then the doctor injects only a portion of it into their vagina. It is a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment to stimulate and heal vaginal cells.

What is the O-Shot Boca Raton?

It is a relatively new treatment with current ongoing research. There are rejuvenating properties in our blood platelets. These properties are called growth factors. A doctor can extract a woman’s blood to place it in a machine that separates the different components in it. There are three components to the blood separated in this machine.

The doctor then injects only the platelets containing the growth factors into the same woman’s vagina. These properties can then slowly heal the vaginal cells. PRP used in the O-Shot Boca Raton creates new nerves and new blood vessels. These new cells can become stimulated and improve a woman’s sex drive and problems with incontinence.

The med spa process is actually easier to understand than you think. One explanation makes it clear to see why it’s quickly gaining popularity. A young child falls and gets hurt. The wound would secrete a yellow mucus-like fluid. Then a scab would form and fall off, revealing new skin underneath. The platelet-rich proteins are what heals the wound and promotes new skin growth. The yellow, mucus-like substance is Platelet-Rich Plasma.

Other PRP Treatments

PRP treatments are not actually that new. Although sexual dysfunction PRP treatments are newer, other PRP treatments already exist for athletes and more. For many years, this method treated sports injuries and patients recovering from surgeries. It is also used in many hair loss treatments as well.

Many doctors are opening up to this new med spa treatment. To learn more, visit The Box Med Spa’s website! Here, you will find some information about this particular beauty and wellness med spa center offering this treatment and other treatments they offer.

Definitely increasing in popularity, this concept applies to new male sexual dysfunction treatments. Now the scientists and doctors created the P-shot, which is the same procedure, but for males who suffer from sexual dysfunction.

Currently, the cost for the procedure is about $1500 and only available in med spa locations. Many med spa doctors and others are pushing to have this treatment covered by insurance policies. Considering other health benefits from maintaining a healthy sex life, most people will enjoy reducing the amount of medications they take each day.

With the many side effects of synthetic medications, many others will likely open up to this type of treatment. Individual results may vary, but eliminating side effects from medications is more motivation for receiving the treatment.

There is no doubt that this treatment will continue to grow in popularity and eventually become more affordable. It is easy to see why it is becoming so intriguing with all the benefits considered. Most of the women who have already tried the treatment have nothing but praise for their results. Just think about how much better you could feel with an improved sex life.

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Boca Raton, FL 33498
(561) 717-8903

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